Client: ALK

Topics: Strategic Playbook, Concept, Identity, Brand Book, Toolbox, Guidelines

ALK SLIT-tablets Communication Strategy and Creative Concept

A new positioning, a new platform, and a new promise to communicate ALK's SLIT-tablet Portfolio.

The task /

Immunotherapy is frequently considered a final option for treating allergies, as doctors often resort to symptom-relieving medication instead of exploring the benefits of accessible and long-term immunotherapy treatments for both adults and children.

Our Approach /

It was crucial for ALK to shift from promoting individual products to elevating the entire field of immunotherapy. We developed a strategic platform that promoted sustainable immunotherapy benefits, emphasizing "rising above allergies" over short-term relief.

Make it right

To support the strategy, we also developed a campaign platform called "Rewrite Allergy" to nudge the healthcare community to focus on the underlying illness rather than the symptoms.

Make it Magic

All of the creative output needed to be highly adaptable, given the number of markets. Both digital and print materials were created with an executional system that allowed all markets to communicate local-specific information without disrupting the overall concept.

Make it Work
Automotive design, Fashion, Building, Suit, Floor
Human, Font
Cloud, Purple, Font, Violet
Material property, Product, Azure, Font
What we delivered
  • Corporate Positioning and Brand Platform
  • Strategic Playbook
  • Creative Platform & Identity Design
  • Brand Book and Brand Assets
  • Campaign Assets (Key Visuals and Hero Videos)
  • Congress booth design & Implementation

Results /

A significant uplift in ad recall and liking, consideration and trust towards the brand and campaign.